Paradise, optimal human habitat, will be comprised of Harmonodes

Harmonodes are building-landscape units, nodes of a broader village system, that function with:

the synergy of an organism
in harmony with the Divine.

You've probably never seen one. Synergy in this sense is seldom ever attained despite its elegant simplicity.

Synergistic performance means that the building with its surrounding landscaping is:

  • self-heating
  • self-cooling
  • self-sustaining
  • can even be self-healing and self-repairing
  • and more.

The implications of synergies like that are so hugely profound and completely essential for us, for humanity and the future of civilization, that we need a way to easily refer to facilities and infrastructure when they embody and achieve this: harmonodes.

This promise of paradise is based on the synergy of harmonodes,
attained through ecological design.

What harmonodes can look like:
