The Curriculum
Harmonode curriculum for self-sufficiency makers economy
- felting: craft, chores/processing, sheering, animal physiology & vetrinary
- spinning
- weaving: pattern recognition, counting 2x2/3x3/4x4etc, addition & multiplication
- birch bark
- willow basketry
- blankets & rugs
- wattle (wall construction)
- trees:
- growing
- felling
- training (artisanal growing)
- pruning
- fruit & nut treess
- pollarding
- coppicing
- mushrooms
- woodworking:
- green:
- splitting: fro, saplings, planks shingles strips etc
- joinery:
- chairs
- boxes/drawers
- timberframing
- cutting tennons and mortises:
- rounded tennons with drilled mortises
- carved square tennons & mortises
- green:
- ecology - principles of health
- garden design
- forest design
- pasture design
- aquatic design (aquaponics to ecomachines to low-tech greywater etc)
- composting:
- water filtering/purifying
- fire utilization:
- identification of hazards (aluminum dust, linseed oil rags, drying hay,...)
- processing feuls (from sticks to biogas)
- making & tending fires
- various technologies
- thermal mass
- rocket design
- pyrolisis - charcoal
- food processing
- soups, canning
- lacto fermentation
- baking
- engineering:
- material strengths
- structural principles
- mechanical advantage elements
- flywheels
- and much more.
That outlines a little of the contents of a harmonode-related curriculum.