
Synergy is a technical term1 used in discussing the performance and dynamics attained in systems, here with harmonodes, systems of human habitat.

Synergy compared to efficiency

Efficiency: upgrade a building's thermal systems to attain a 30% savings on the heating bill.

Synergy: optimize building's systems to eliminate the heating bill altogether.

Synergies like that have been demonstrated in these harmonodes.

Types of Synergy

Synergies like these are hugely profound, thus the need for adding harmonode to our lexicon here.

We must explore this categorization of synergies, this pattern analysis, much more. These considerations pertaining to human habitat have never been made in our society, this is a catastrophically un-explored area.

See design for synergy: housing to explore some of what it can look like to achieve synergy in higher orders of magnitude.


  1. Since we live in a world where marketing hype can ruin the meaning of words, and with "synergy" being one of those buzzy words that someone will grasp for when trying to make their thing sound cool, it's essential to be explicit here that synergy is not being used as a cool descriptor here, but as a technical term with actual and vital meaning.