How to create change in the world?

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
~ Buckminster Fuller

Harmonodes are that model

The word harmonode fills a gap or void in the lexicons of economic development, community planning, architecture and landscape design, and so forth.

If civilization was built decently from the beginning, in harmony with the Divine, and to facilitate harmony among neighbors, then we wouldn't be in this position and there'd be no need for this word harmonode.

Systems theory emerged as a scientific discipline last century and harmonodes gives us a focal point for a systems-based approach to solving the humanity's problems.

Strategic leverage points for systems change

Donella Meadows' excellent book Thinking in Systems describes 12 leverage points, ranked from least to most effective way to change a system.

What's all that mean?

In action, we can look at one example here in climate/environmentalism's the 350 campaign:

Central to the 350 Campaign's inability to create any meaningful change thus far is that the campaign's axis is the least effective leverage point: numbers, in this case the number is how many parts per million of carbon are in the atmosphere.

350's failure to understand and strategize around these leverage point continually results in failure for campaign goals. 350 campaign is designed to fail.

350 fails to represent a paradigmatic improvement to the status quo (leverage points #1 and 2).

It fails to promise improvement for primary/legitimate goals of system (leverage point #3) which is to meet human needs.

Governments and NGOs make the same kinds of failures, always.

Central in all the failures of the status quo is: failure to create decent human habitat in a context that's not money-worshipping or money-enslaved.

Harmonodes give us that liberation.

So what do we do?

  1. make harmonodes!
  2. teach&learn about harmonodes!
  3. organize around harmonodes!
  4. legislate harmonodes!
  5. celebrate harmonodes!

In systems theory you could describe each of these as reinforcing feedback loops, where education, coordination, legislation, and celebration contribute in greater orders of magnitude to the transformation of civiliztion into optimal human habitat comprised of harmonodes.

     propagation : enculturation